
Field Notes

Orientation week at jhr is always good times. We get to boss around these bright and eager newcomers and have them do what ever we like. It kind of reminds me of initiation way back in high school, only better!

No, no, I joke of course : ) I was an intern once so how could I be so cruel?

No, orientation week is a great time at jhr because we get to meet emerging talents and the office is always buzzing with energy. This time around we had our university chapter interns to join us for training. They set off to work at Kapital Radio in Kumasi, Ghana just last Friday (and yes we planned it so that they'd be there in time for the World Cup madness because we are just that cool of an org). For three months, our media interns will work with African journalists to produce news stories and learn all about the behind-the-scenes programming and editing process that takes place in community radio stations. And as a part of their internship, they will be required to produce a number of media items that run the gamut from photoessays to articles and from documentaries to, of course, blog posts.

You can read all the juicy details about their trip on their Field Notes page at

But while we're on the topic, just thought I'd share jhr's blogging policy for our overseas trainers and interns. In coordination with our International Programs Department, I've been working on developing a blogging policy that's easy and simple but reflects  jhr's overall organizational principles. As you go through the simplified version below, don't be surprised if you find that there's that extra emphasis on our core goal, making everyone around the world aware of their rights, because like I've said before, you gotta stay true to your organization's mission living it and breathing it in all endeavours....both online and offline.